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quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011

Let's make a kinder world for everyone!!

I found a site to work with children topics such as energy, pollution, climate change, eating habits, etc. The site is fun and useful for interdisciplinary projects.It is worth visiting it!

Encontrei um site para trabalhar com as crianças tópicos como energia, poluição, mudanças climáticas, hábitos alimentares, entre outros. O site é bem divertido e útil para projetos interdisciplinares. Vale a pena conhecer!

This penguin travels fast!

Hi everyone! I'm Tiki the  Penguin. My website is specially for kids(but grown-ups can look too if they really want)Did you know I'm the first penguin anywhere to make a website?
I've got loads of stuff for you here. Some is just fun (like jokes and games) and some is more serious... about things like energypollution,climate changelife in dangereating the futureWhose genes? Who owns life and food.

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